Digital Innovation

Transform your business

We empower you with cutting edge technology to transform your business.

About Scienta

We are a group of technology partners who strive to be in the forefront of digital innovation. We believe in Engineering Ingenuity that challenges the status quo.


We fight digital distruption with emerging technologies to give you the edge to stay ahead.


We take pride in simplifying and solving complex problems with ingenuity.


We excel at identifying current and future needs and formulate strategies to bridge the gap.



What we do

Digital Transformation

From moving into the digital stratosphere to modernizing existing business solutions, we transform the way you work.

Cloud Computing

Shift the heavy lifting to the power of the Cloud. Methodically migrate and streamline your apps and data while reducing costs.

Ambient Intelligence

Harness the power of smart devices with IoT, Machine Learning and Predictive Analytics to better understand and intract with customers.

Advanced Networking

Solutioning with Wireless (802.11i, and RADIUS), Mobile (HetNets, Radio Access Technology, LTE, UMTS), NFV and SDNs

Information Security

Assess, optimize and implement encryption techniques, authentication protocols, DoS protection and risk management.

Technology Operations

Streamlining operations with DevOps, increase knowledgebase of ICT ethics, intellectual property rights and compliance.

Consulting Services

We are professional consultants equipped with the tools and expertise to help you strategize and align your ICT goals.

Technology Simplification

We analyse rigid, homegrown networks and IT platforms to a modular, adjustable layout. We understand the importance of cutting costs, focusing on only value-adding processes and being prepared to accommodate future technologies

Security Compliance

We can scrutinize your network, identity and measure its current risks and help control your threats. We assess human factors, group policies, their behavioural patterns and impact on your digital assets.

Policy Management

Vigilant processes and prevention mechanisms are a core part of a company’s ICT structure. A concrete policy will act as a training manual, reference and guideline for dealing with all digital assets. We pay attention to local laws, individual corporate setup and culture when we engineer policies and standards.

Contract & Vendor Sourcing

We audit existing contracts, and evaluations of technology providers, contractors and partners. We can represent you and negotiate the best solution on your behalf. As an added benefit we offer independent Software Assurance services covering Testing, Independent Verification and Validation.

Let's Talk

Interested in working with us? Want to know more about what we do? Or simply want to get in touch? We want to hear from you!

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